ABC State, Redux

After re-reading my Living in an ABC State post, I wanted to clarify a few things.

First, I realized, especially after adding a photo of a nearby ABC store to that post, and the interior of it in the post Intro, that showed a massive wall of vodka.

The first visit that I made to an ABC store did have an entire wall of vodka, impressive, but much smaller than that of the article photo. The entire store was perhaps 24′ x 24′.  The new store in my area is probably 48′ x 80′, but it is one of the largest. Out of curiosity, I stopped into a store in an adjacent county. This store was probably closer to 20′ x 20′ and very little variety.

Second, and to the point of the post, is the limitation imposed by the state. That of choice. To be sure, the large store pictured, has an enormous amount of product. However, if you want something that isn’t in the ABC system, you can’t just drive across town to another store that chooses to stock that alternate item. You can’t buy it. That is unless you go out of state to buy it.

I am incredibly happy to live near the pictured store. They have a friendly and helpful staff. The manager is actively stocking items in this store that, while on the state list, might not be on the shelf at smaller stores. But even he is limited in terms of variety.

As a final example, I was looking for blackberry brandy. The ABC system lists one: Mr Boston Blackberry Brandy. Its on the shelf. If you can manage to find and read, or watch one of the rare reviews, you would not want to spend your money on Mr Boston Blackberry Brandy. But again, in the ABC system, no variety, no choice.